Don't worry if you lost data on Windows 10/8/7, etc., PCs. WhatsApp’s desktop app for Mac and PC is getting voice and video calling today, the company announced, offering end-to-end encrypted calls to other WhatsApp users on both computers and mobile. Still, for Mac owners there’s no denying. App continuing to define video calling to many people.
Lifesize supports a wide range of devices to support BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies and user preferences with apps for PC and Mac computers, Android and iOS phones and tablets and a browser-based web app for Chromebooks and anything else that cannot download applications.ĭownload the Lifesize app to get started making calls from all of your devices. Google Duo is a free, simple video calling app that brings you face-to-face with the people who matter most. Best Video Calling apps: Which one to download Of high quality video calling software.